Family Guardian Ad Litem

Who is protecting the best interests of the children in the judicial system?

Judges especially in Florida have limited time for each case and often rely on guardian ad litem to prepare recommendations on what is in a child’s best interest. It is understandable that parents want the court to know what is happening in their child’s life. Unfortunately, the judicial systems in Florida are often swamped with too many cases for each judge. As a parent, requesting an appointment of a guardian ad litem can ensure that a full investigation will occur and the court will have a report of what is happening in the child’s life.

In dissolution of marriage and paternity cases involving child custody and parental responsibility matters, a judge may appoint a guardian ad litem pursuant to the request of either parent, a third party, or upon the Court’s own motion. As a guardian ad litem, The guardian ad litem performs the following duties:

  1. Conducts an independent investigation of the facts relevant to the child’s welfare;
  2. Assists the court in obtaining independent expert evaluations and recommendations, when appropriate;
  3. Presents facts to the court pertinent to the investigation and the best interest of the child; and
  4. Files a report with recommendations concerning the child’s best interest regarding custody and visitation arrangements, parental responsibility, educational, medical and financial needs and other concerns involving the welfare of the child