Florida Family Law Issues

High-Value Property Division: Business assets, real estate owned by the couple and other such property can create legal issues that must be addressed in certain manners. Trying to do this yourself of hiring someone without the necessary experience can create more problems then when you began. Our firm will work to properly evaluate the value of the assets through appraisers and other experts. It will also when needed employ forensic accountants to find any assets that could be hidden from you.

Property Division: The firm will evaluate your property to determine whether it’s an asset or liability, whether it’s marital or nonmarital, fair market values, then sit with you and determine what you are entitle to and what you are not and then determine the plan of attack.

Child Custody:  The firm will sit with you and together prepare a  parenting plan covering child custody, timeshare schedule, parental responsibility (decision-making), transportation provisions, and other aspects such as first right of refusal (the right to spend time with your child if the other parent is not available for a designated amount of time).

Contested Child Custody: Florida’s child custody statute requires consideration of each individual child’s developmental needs and the parent’s ability to meet these needs. These issues can become very heated and can result in litigation. This is where we come in. We will prepare the case so that you can get the best possible result.

Relocation: Relocation pursuant to Florida statute is a move of 50 miles or more with a child. The Florida Rules in this area are strict. The case must be handled correctly in order to get best possible outcome. It is important that you not go at it alone. Such a decision could prove costly. This is why it’s so important to hire the right attorney in these situation.

Modification of Custody: For a modification of child custody, Florida requires that there must be a substantial unanticipated change of circumstances from the date of the final judgment or subsequent court order to merit a modification. Proving this can be tricky. This is why it should be handled by an experienced attorney.

Alimony: Several factors are considered to determine whether an award of alimony should be granted such as the length of the marriage, each party’s financial earning capacity, and the parties’ contribution toward the marriage and/or children. This requires the client and the attorney sit down and see what the goal is so the person is not caught up in emotions.

Modification of Alimony: Alimony can be modified if a change of circumstances merits such modification. Remarriage, if a receiving spouse enters into a supportive relationship with another individual or has an increase in earning capacity are all grounds to modify or terminate an alimony judgment.”

Business Evaluations: There are different methods to evaluate a business which can result in sometimes exceptionally different financial values.

Uncontested Divorce: If you have no minor children, have already worked out how to divide your assets and liabilities and no one is seeking alimony, you can avoid many problems that could prove to be costly in money as well as time.

Military Divorce: Military divorce cases have unique issues such as benefits to military spouses, dividing military pensions and in some cases managing child custody issues with a traveling military parent.

Rights of Out-Of-State Parents: Even if you reside in a different state than your children, child custody timeshare schedules can be created to provide you with a suitable timeshare schedule.re or majority of the summer break to make up for lost time when your children need to attend school.