Florida Internet Sex Crimes

Using the internet to meet minors for the purpose of illegal sexual activity is heavily prosecuted throughout Florida and the rest of the United States. Advancements in technology make it easier for people to commit sex crimes against children. Many times, in order to catch those involved in illegal internet sex crimes, state and federal law enforcement will set up a computer sting operation. In doing so, they are able to locate sexual predators that use the internet to solicit sex from minor children.

Sadly, those stings often incriminate innocent people in Florida who may have been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Without the legal representation of an experienced Florida internet sex crimes attorney, those convicted of internet sex crimes could face years if not life in prison.

Penalties and Consequences for Computer Sex Crimes in the State of Florida

Internet sex crimes are defined under several different Florida state statutes. If convicted, you could be labeled as a sex offender and incarcerated for the rest of your life. The severity of your penalties depends on the charges that have been filed against you.

The most common charges include the following:

  • Internet Solicitation of a Minor for Sex
  • Lewd and Lascivious Conduct with a Minor
  • Distribution or Possession of Child Pornography
  • Traveling to Meet a Minor for Sex
  • Procuring a Minor for Prostitution
  • Child Exploitation
  • Child Molestation

If you are a repeat offender, the penalties and consequences will be more severe. Likewise, if you are accused of sex with a minor under the age of 12, the penalties will be exponentially more severe.