Organized Fraud

Florida laws prosecute individuals who commit what is termed “organized fraud” – fraud committed by means of creating schemes that conceal the sender’s identity and send the target a personalized sales message. People accused of organized fraud will face penalties under federal wire fraud and mail fraud statutes, which make it a criminal offense to defraud or attempt to defraud others by means of interstate “wires” (telephone, internet, TV, radio) or via the mail.

If you were charged with organized fraud, it is imperative you retain experienced, skilled criminal defense attorneys who can help you avoid convictions and potentially have the charges against you dropped.

If a financial institution is the target of a fraud offense or is a victim of fraud, you may face fines of up to $1 million and up to 30 years in prison. You cannot afford to take the smallest chance with your future and your freedom.

Penalties for Organized Fraud in Florida

The penalties that a person may face for an organized fraud conviction in Florida will vary depending upon the value of money, services, or goods obtained from the victim. For example, if the value of the property obtained is more than $50,000 the defendant may face first-degree felony charges and penalties of up to life in prison as well as fines of up to $15,000. The victim or victims may also seek financial restitution for their losses.