Prescription Drugs

Florida has gotten increasingly strict about monitoring prescription drugs, particularly after it was discovered that the state was known as a place where people could easily obtain prescription painkillers and traffic opioids. It created what is called the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program in 2009, which established new guidelines for operating pain management clinics. Florida Statute § 893.055 describes the laws and definitions surrounding prescription drug use and abuse. If you’ve been accused of possessing a prescribed controlled substance without a valid prescription, you will need an excellent Florida drug crimes attorney.

According to the National Alliance for Model State Drug Laws (NAMSDL), the monitoring program is a statewide electronic database that collects designated data on substances dispensed in Florida. It can help law enforcement trace back the illicit prescription back to the doctor or physician who prescribed it. Florida’s is known as the Electronic-Florida Online Reporting of Controlled Substance Evaluation Program (E-FORCSE®).

Possession and Trafficking

Florida Statute § 893.13(6)(a) makes it illegal for anyone to possess a prescribed medication without lawfully obtaining it from a medical practitioner through a valid prescription or the order of the physician in the course of his or her professional practice. If you are caught in possession of a prescription drug or have been caught transporting them across state lines, you could face some of the same charges as if you were in possession of cocaine or heroin. However, prescription drugs are generally regarded as Schedule II drugs, which mean they are used medically but might have a high potential for abuse, such as morphine or oxycodone. Like other drug charges, your sentence will depend on what drug you are found with and how much you have.