Registration as a Sex Offender in Florida

It is important that you remain in contact with a Florida sex crimes attorney for the beginning of your life as a registered sex offender. This is for your safety as well as the safety of others.

Registering as a Sex Offender in Florida

If you have been convicted of a sexual felony in the state of Florida, you will be required to register as a sex offender. This mandate is just one way that the state of Florida protects families and innocent children from any sexual predators.

The state of Florida currently requires those convicted of the following crimes to register:

  • Child molestation
  • Child prostitution
  • Child pornography
  • Unlawful sexual activity with minors (under the age of eighteen)
  • Sexual performances by a child
  • Sexual battery (including spousal rape, date rape and statutory rape)
  • Kidnapping
  • False imprisonment
  • Lewd and lascivious offenses (public exposure, nudity and other offenses)
  • The selling or buying of minors

If you have committed one of the aforementioned crimes or have committed any other crime for which the courts have ordered you to register as a sexual offender, you will need to have a number of personal information details on hand. Registrants no longer provide only their name and current address. In the state of Florida, there is a much more detailed requirement of information that sex offenders are required to provide when they register.

You will be required to provide the following information immediately after release from prison:

  • Full name (first, last and middle if applicable)
  • Race, sex, height, weight, and identifying physical traits
  • Occupation and place of employment
  • Address of residence both in state and out of state
  • Date of birth
  • Social security number
  • Set of fingerprints
  • Telephone Number
  • Electronic email address
  • Brief description of the crimes committed
  • Institution of higher education
  • Instant message name
  • Photograph

In the occurrence that any of the above information should change for any reason, you are required to notify the local sheriff’s department within forty eight hours. The sheriff will then add the new information to the registry data base in place of the previous, expired information.

Obtaining a Sex Offender License

After release from prison, you are also required to visit the Department of Motor Vehicles (the DMV) and receive a new license, which will list you as a sexual offender. Unless your specific sentence or penalty states otherwise, you will be required to maintain all of your registration information and traits (including the sex offender license and the requirement to update all information within forty eight hours of change) for the duration of your life, without exception unless notified by the courts.

The 25 Year Rule for Sex Offenders in Florida

There are exceptions to lifelong sex offender registration requirements. However these exceptions rely heavily upon what type of sex crime the offender committed, and the seriousness of the crime from a legal stand point. Depending upon the crime, the age of the victim, and the age of the perpetrator, your Florida sex crimes attorney may be able to petition for a complete removal of the requirements for life long registration to the Sex Offender Registry data base. If you are a convicted sex offender, but have been out of prison for twenty five years or longer and have not been accused of any (a) felony crimes or (b) misdemeanor crimes, you may petition the court to have your sex offender registry requirement removed. Once you petition the courts, they will then decide whether or not you are still considered a threat to the public at large. The likeliness of the court ruling in your favor depends largely upon your original crime. The more violent the crime, or the more offensive it was, the less likely it will be that the court will rule to exclude you from the registry.