Student Visa (M-1 Visa)

An M-1 Visa is if you are planning to attend a vocational school in the United States as a foreigner. This type of visa is very specific, and it is important that you understand when and why you are submitting your application for this specific type of visa.

An M-1 Visa is a specific type of educational visa that is issued for people who are attending vocational schools in the United States. Vocational schools include programs such as culinary schools, mechanical courses, trade schools, technical courses, and things like cosmetology and beauty schools. The M-1 Visa itself grants the bearer a variety of rights while they are in the country. When you are granted your visa, you will be able (and required) to attend your vocational school full-time, as well as open a bank account, apply for a driver’s license, access American healthcare, and will be allowed to work in very specific circumstances.

While you do have a visa, and certain rights that come with the visa, there are many restrictions on what you are allowed to do, as well. For instance, you will not be able to work full-time, and in some cases may not even be allowed to work part-time depending on the job that you are trying to do. In addition, you may not move to part-time enrollment in your schooling. If your credit hours drop to part-time, then you will be violating the terms of your M-1 Visa and will need to apply for an F-1 Visa instead.

In the first 6 months of your program, you may be able to transfer to another program. Once 6 months have passed, you will be unable to transfer from your program and must either complete the vocational school, apply for a different visa, or return to your country of origin. You will be able to complete an Associate’s degree, but if you wish to continue on for a Bachelor’s degree or an advanced degree, you will also need to apply for a different visa.

Simply wanting to attend a vocational program in the United States is not enough to qualify for the visa. There are a number of other criteria that must also be met in order to allow you to apply for this visa, and it is important that you are certain of all of these details before you begin this time-consuming process.

You must be able to prove that you are proficient in the English language by passing a test such as the TOEFL or the IELTS.

If you are unable to financially support yourself during your stay, then you will not be approved for your visa. You will need to prove that you have the financial means to complete your education before your application is approved.